10.06.20 – Head Teacher Update

I am writing to update you on the current position following the governments announcement that the children in Year 2, 3, 4 & 5 will not be returning to school before September 2020 at the earliest.

With effect from 15th June 2020 we will be extending provision to our Reception children.

From 22nd June 2020 our year 1 children will return and from this date we will be splitting into three separate ‘bubbles’.

Bubble One is for Key worker children plus Reception.

Bubble Two is for Key worker children plus Year 1.

Bubble Three is for Key worker children plus Year 6 (from 29th June).

Children who are attending these bubbles are now registered to do so and individual risk assessments have been carried out with parents.

Challenge grids are available on our website. The current challenge grids finish on 12th June 2020 and new challenge grids will be available on Monday 15th June covering the next two-week period.

I would like to remind parents that Mrs Howes is available between 10am and 11am every Tuesday and Thursday to offer advice and support on teaching and learning at home.

At the current time we anticipate the school to be closed for the 6 week summer break. You may be aware that Boris Johnson referred to a “Summer of catch up” in his briefing on 10th June, however we haven’t received any briefing or guidance about this.

At this time we are awaiting further advice and guidance on what the government expectations are for September. As soon as we have any clarification I will let you know.

Yours sincerely,

Mr S Myers

Head Teacher