Welcome to Speaker’s Corner

As part of the continual improvement plan for our website we are introducing Speaker’s Corner. The idea is for different people to write a blog each week to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions. We will be asking children, staff, parents, members of our local community and visitors to our school to contribute to Speaker’s Corner. However, you don’t need to be invited to contribute – just email anything you would like to say to admin@stanhopebarrington.org.uk and mark for the attention of the website.

Perhaps the most well-known Speaker’s Corner is in Hyde Park in London and has been used as a traditional site for public speeches and debates since the mid 1800’s. In 1872 an act of Parliament set aside this area of Hyde Park for public speaking. It has been used as a platform for freedom of speech by many famous people including Karl Marx, George Orwell and the suffragettes. Speaker’s Corner is still a popular venue today for people to exercise their freedom of speech.

As such, we thought it would be a great name for our new ‘blog’ area of the website.

I hope you enjoy reading our blogs at Speaker’s Corner and please feel free to contribute and share your thoughts, ideas and opinions.

Mrs Cross

Head Teacher