Archived Diamond Learning Zone

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Teaching Team

Miss K. Hepple (Lead); Miss L. Wilkinson

Planning 2022 -2023

To find out more about the impact of our learning please visit Our Curriculum section.

Community Project

This year the children in the Diamond Learning Zone will become young entrepreneurs! They will take part in lots of fun activities such as: finding out what it takes to be a successful business person, finding out about inspirational entrepreneurs, designing their own business logo, and running their very own business. The children will be thinking and acting upon ideas to make money at our Christmas, Easter and Summer Fair and deciding how we can spend it effectively.

The children will be challenged with using our superpowers of responsibility and problem-solving to produce fantastic business ideas. We hope you can support us.

Business Roles – To start off our business in the Diamond Learning Zone, the children were tasked to complete a job application form for their chosen area that they would like to apply for. We had lots of fantastic applications explaining why they would be best fit for their chosen job role. A selection process took place to choose the appropriate candidates and the designated roles were decided. The children were thrilled to find out their new position within our business.

Eliza Doodle – As part of our community project, we had a visit from Hayley Hall (Owner of Eliza Doodle) who very kindly offered to come into school to talk to the children about her business. The children found out what Hayley’s business is, why she became her own boss, the advantages and disadvantages of running a business alongside lots more information that really inspired the children. By the end, we all had lots of ideas that we could use to run our business!

Easter Fair 2023 – The children thoroughly enjoyed making and creating their products to sell at this year’s Easter Fair! The children used their product research to think of some great ideas that caught the intention of their customers (slime, chocolate crispy cakes and ping pong). They worked together as a business to make sure their stall was ready to make some money!

Thank you! – A big thank you to everyone who has supported the Diamond Learning Zone’s business this year! The children have had a fantastic time, thinking, creating and selling their products to you all! We are just waiting for our total figures in which we will then get to choose how we spend our money!

Superpowers in Action!

Litter Picking – The children in Diamond have been using their superpower of being community minded and taking responsibility of our wider world by considering the dangerous harms of micro plastics. We took a trip to the local river and on our way recorded all of the harmful plastics, rubbish and other materials we found. On our journey back to school, we were able to litter pick the things we had found in order to help our local environment and surroundings.

Being a Role Model – Some of the children in Diamond have been to visit EYFS to read with children in Amethyst and Opal. The children have enjoyed working with the little ones and have put one of our superpowers to good use – being a role model!


Pupils grow, learn and thrive within the positive, nurturing learning environment at Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School. Celebrating success and effort is an important part of creating a positive and reflective school community and links to our core Christian values (KFC).

In the Diamond Learning Zone, award certificates are given weekly and include: The Ambassador Award (awarded to the pupil that stands out for demonstrating a skill linked to the Superpower), the Dojo Award (awarded to the pupil that has made the most consistent effort during the week) and the Extra Special Award (awarded to the pupil that has stood out for the right reasons such as showing kindness, academic effort and persistence). In addition, every pupil across the Learning Zones is also eligible for whole school awards. Please visit our Celebrating Success section to find out more and to see the weekly winners of each award.


Teaching Team

Miss K. Hepple (Lead); Mrs. A. Parvin

Planning 2021 – 2022

DIAMOND – Summer 2022

DIAMOND – Spring 2022

DIAMOND – Autumn 2021

Superpowers in Action!

Weardale Adventure Centre – The Diamond Learning Zone visited the Weardale Adventure centre to work on their superpowers, responsibility and problem-solving. The children were able to demonstrate this when trying to work out how to make their canoes spin a circle. This was tricky but the children helped each other work out how to do this effectively. The children also faced their fears when climbing the slippery log. The children supported each other to do so and everyone tried their best to get that one step further than their last visit.

Tag Rugby Festival – The Diamond Learning Zone travelled to Parkside School to participate in a tag rugby festival. The children really enjoyed using their skills that they had been focusing on in PE to complete a carousel of different activities.

A visit from Mr. Mitchinson – Year 5 and 6 had a visit from Mr Mitchinson to discuss all the great things Wolsingham School had to offer on their transition to secondary school. The children learned about what they will need and participated in a quiz to win prizes!

Pupil-Led Collective Worship – The children in Diamond Learning Zone planned and performed their own collective worship based on how to be supportive to their peers. A group of girls performed a short act around helping others and not being mean. They then created an acrostic poem using the letters ‘being supportive’ and finished off by reading a prayer created by a small group in class.

Twisted Tales – The children in Diamond and Emerald had lots of fun listening to Gav Cross tell us some twisted tales! We even got to get creative by making up our own tales!

Safer Futures Live – The Diamond Learning Zone took part in a Safer Futures Live event where we learned all about how to prevent and keep safe in case of a fire. This linked well with our class superpower (problem-solving) because we had to work out the potential risks and find out what to do in case of an emergency.

A visit from our local firefighters – The children had a visit from the local firefighters to discuss why it is important to keep safe and what we could do in an emergency. This links in well with our superpower – problem solving! The children had some great answers to questions and listened carefully to lots of important information!

Spain’s Field Farm Project – The children were kindly asked to participate in a project with Beamish Museum to be apart of the opening of Spain’s Field Farm. Cath, who is part of the Beamish team, came into school to deliver a history-based lesson all about the farm and what it was like to live in Weardale at that time. We then were able to visit Beamish Museum to be one of the first people to go inside of Spain’s Field Farm and participate in a range of activities such as: hay making, milking the cow, butter churning and proggy mats. The children had lots of fun and it was a great day out! Then, the children were tasked to produce their very own poem about Weardale which was recorded and played at the opening of the farm to the rest of the public. All of their poems were excellent and we were praised on how much effort we had put into them!


Pupils grow, learn and thrive within the positive, nurturing learning environment at Stanhope Barrington C of E Primary School. Celebrating success and effort is an important part of creating a positive and reflective school community and links to our core Christian values (KFC).

In the Diamond Learning Zone, award certificates are given weekly and include: The Ambassador Award (awarded to the pupil that stands out for demonstrating a skill linked to the Superpower), the Dojo Award (awarded to the pupil that has made the most consistent effort during the week) and the Extra Special Award (awarded to the pupil that has stood out for the right reasons such as showing kindness, academic effort and persistence). In addition, every pupil across the Learning Zones is also eligible for whole school awards. Please visit our Celebrating Success section to find out more and to see the weekly winners of each award.