Archived Class 2

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School Work Class 2 2016-2017


To see what we learned in the Spring 2017 term, please click on the link below:


To see what we learned in the Autumn 2016 term, please click on the link below:

autumn-term-jigsaw-class-2 2016

Here are some of the things we have been doing…

Autumn Art

We looked for signs of Autumn outside. We collected a range of items and created some autumn artwork. Inside we created some Autumnal trees, by painting leaves and seeing the colours develop into one another.


We have been practicing our French conversational skills. We can now carry out a simple conversation and talk about our family. Tres Bien!!

Class 2- French 2016


We visited the Highlights festival that was themed all about paper. We saw some amazing displays while we were there and had a chance to create some ourselves.