Archived Class 3

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School Work Class 3 2016-2017


Here is what we learned in Spring term 2017:


Here is what we learned in Autumn term 2016:

autumn-term-jigsaw-class-3 2016

Here are some of the things that we have been doing…

Class 3 go on An Easter Journey!

On Wednesday 15th March 2017, Class 3 set off on an Easter Journey inside the Methodist Church in Stanhope. We started off lining the streets of Jerusalem – waving palm leaves and welcoming the King. Next we moved into a gazebo which housed the Last Supper. We sat around the table and learnt about what each food represented (such as the salt water representing the tears of the slaves). Sitting inside the Garden of Gethsemane we listened to the sounds which Jesus would’ve heard that night. We watched a very moving animation about the crucifixion and heard Mary’s version of events. Our journey ended in the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid and we heard how his body rose again and how Mary Magdalene met him in the garden.

We had a great morning and it was rounded off with juice, biscuits and an arts & crafts session.

A great deal of preparation went into the event and we would like to thank everyone from the Methodist Church who helped to run such a fantastic and novel way of telling the Easter Story.

Class 3 visit with Laura Brenchley, Illustrator

On Friday morning the children in class 3 went to Wolsingham Library to take part in a workshop by a well-known children’s illustrator – Laura Brenchley. The workshop was really interesting, interactive for the children and packed with ideas and activities which the children (and adults) could take away and use. We plan to use some of her techniques and ideas in our art lessons! Everyone had a great time and it was a fab opportunity for children to explore a different and unique profession.

Class 3 working with Terry Caffrey – A Performance Poet

On Friday 20th January,  Class 3 visited Wolsingham library to take part in a performance poetry workshop facilitated by Terry Caffrey. Terry is a world renowned children’s poet who has published numerous books and has worked with Roald Dhal, among other famous authors. The workshop was incredibly funny and Terry had a fantastic way with the children, who all had a brilliant time. It was very interactive with children taking part in performing and making noises to accompany some of his poems.

As part of this Durham County Council funded project, we have now taken part in two very different workshops (Circamania and Terry Caffrey) and look forward to taking part in further workshops throughout the year.

Year 5 Trampolining at Wolsingham Comp

This half term, our Year 5 children are taking part in trampolining lessons at Wolsingham comprehensive school every Thursday afternoon. The children are collected in the comprehensive’s mini-bus and taken to the comp for their lunch. After lunch they take part in warm up sessions prior to going onto the trampolines for their lessons. We were originally given the options of wall climbing or trampolining and requested trampolining following our visit to ROF 59 last summer. Whilst there, the instructor said that a number of our children had real talent and we thought that this was a great opportunity to develop those skills further. The children will attend once a week until the end of this half term. Please spare a thought for the poor Year 6 children who are left behind to do SATs booster lessons!

Anita Atkinson visits Class 3

Year 5&6 are currently learning about newspaper reports and on Tuesday 8th November 2016 our local editor and journalist, Anita Atkinson from the Weardale Gazette visited the class.

The children had prepared some excellent questions about the process of writing an article but also questions about how to become a journalist and what inspired Anita to take up writing professionally. Anita had some hilarious stories about her favourite articles and different situations she has found herself in over the years. She also spoke poignantly about some of the more tragic events she has reported on. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn about life as a journalist and also to learn about an aspirational career.

At the end of the session the children impressed Anita with their knowledge of the key features of a newspaper article. She said that she was amazed at how much the children knew about her profession at such a young age.

Many thanks to Anita for taking the time out of her busy diary to help to support our children’s learning.

Class 3-Visiting Journalist 2016

Class 3 visit Wolsingham Library

Last Friday, Class 3 visited Wolsingham library to take part in a workshop called Circamania. The workshop is part of a project called We Are Weardale is the main focus was to inspire children to be more creative writers. Upon arrival the children were shown around the library and allowed to choose a book to take home with them. We then went upstairs into the hall where we were entertained by Marty and Mr Clay. Marty played a struggling author and Mr Clay was the character in his imagination. He used circus skills to help the children to remember key facts when writing creatively. The session was hilarious and very effective. The children thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and we are looking forward to future sessions when we will work with authors, illustrators and cartoonists.

Class 3 Celebrate Halloween

On Thursday 20th October 2016, Class 3 (along with the rest of the school) had a Halloween Day. We did lots of creepy activities linked to Halloween including: a Halloween acrostic poem, making Halloween bookmarks and solving Halloween puzzles. The day was topped off with a fantastic Halloween disco!


On Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October 2016, Class three worked with an artist Linda Toigio on a Highlights Rural Craft project called ‘Paperscissorsbook’. The children spent two days creating creatures and beautiful monsters, exploring the medium of recycled paper as an art form. They then created paper books to give their creatures a world of their own.

On Friday 14th October, the whole school visited the art exhibition in St. Thomas’ Church Hall. They had the opportunity to see work by a variety of artists from all over the world, all of whom used paper as a medium. Alongside the art work of established artists hung our children’s art work. They were incredibly proud of what they had created.

Each class also took part in a mini-workshop with Linda Toigio and used recycled paper to create a self-portrait.

The exhibition was open over the weekend and we have had overwhelming feedback from everyone who visited.

Making an Autumn scent

On Monday 10th October 2016, Class 3 visited the Dene in Stanhope for their science lesson. They are currently studying a topic called ‘ Four Seasons – Five Senses’ and kicked it off with an outdoor lesson.

The aim of the lesson was to collect things which they could use to create a scent which reminds them of Autumn. Upon their return to school they recorded their ingredients, named their scent and mashed up all of their ingredients. The scent was then left to infuse overnight and the next day they sieved the ingredients and wrote a description of their scent. Our next task is to launch an advertising campaign for the scent!