Autumn Term 2023: Kindness

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Week 1 (Beginning 04.09.23)

Kindness: Welcome Back

What is the school vision?Monday and Tuesday PD days
On Wednesday Mrs Cross welcomed everyone back to the start of the new academic year.
We discussed our school vision of KFC (Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence) and talked about what each element means. This term we will be focussing on Kindness.
On Friday we held collective worship and discussed The Big Picture (the story told in the Bible).
Member of The CREW (pupil voice group) read today’s poem: The Magic Seeds by James Reeves.
Children were asked to reflect on a ‘bright spot’ in their week during quiet contemplation.
We then celebrated our success with lots of awards and certificates.
We have had an amazing first week back with lots of examples of children showing kindness.
The Head Teacher award was given to Maddie for living and breathing our school vision.
Lots of certificates were given out for children returning to school showing confidence. We were really impressed with the children’s ‘sticky knowledge’ and how much they could remember of the structure of the Bible and recall of our vision.

Week 2 (Beginning 11.09.23)

Kindness: Compassion

What does it mean to be compassionate?Monday Mrs Green delivered Collective Worship introducing the concept of compassion. Children looked at synonyms and antonyms for compassion. We then used our shared vocabulary to look at scenarios to identify where we could see compassion.

For EYFS and Key Stage 1 collective worship the children had time to reflect on their start to school identifying their best memories. The children then created a huge circle and worked together to name everyone. The children created a team and understood we are all part of KS1.

Open the Book team came on Wednesday and relaunched their bi-weekly collective worship with us. Starting at the beginning of the Bible they told us the story of Creation. The takeaway message was that God created the world for us and now it is our job to look after it.
In our KS2 assembly, the children recapped their understanding of compassion and applied this knowledge to find ways we can help and show compassion to people within our community.
On Friday in our collective worship we reflected on how we had shown compassion this week. Children gave lovely examples. In celebration assembly we gave our certificates for Superstars of the Week, Sports Stars of the Week, Artist of the Week and Musician of the Week. We celebrated birthdays and the Head Teacher award for both children and adults.
Children understood how to be compassionate and how it would make others feel if they were or weren’t compassionate when it was needed. ‘Being compassionate will make others feel happy and loved.’

The children greeted each other showing kindness and compassion. The children used reflection time to think of a time in school that made them feel a certain way.

Children shared ways we can look after the world. ‘We need to look after the world because the animals are special.’

Two members of the CREW shared an acrostic poem to the rest of the children explaining what compassion means to them.
“I saw my mam struggling to push the buggy and the dog was pulling so I took the dog to help her.” Patrick
“My dog isn’t well so I’ve been showing her lots of compassion” Alfie

Week 3 (Beginning 18.09.23)

Kindness: Caring

How can we show we care?On Monday Mr Storey launched this week’s value of being caring. During this session the children were asked to reflect on what caring means to them. Following this the children had a visit from the school hens and we discussed how we care for them. We used our model of In, Out, Up to identify how spirituality affects ourselves, others and then how that connects us to God.
In our Key Stage 1 Collective Worship we again used the In, Out, Up model to discuss caring and recorded children’s responses which have been displayed in the classroom.
In Collective Worship on Wednesday, Mrs Cross introduced a new song: The Blessing which we really enjoyed. Mrs Cross then read Jesus The Good Shepherd from John 10. We discussed how Jesus was teaching us to care about everyone and to willingly help others. We discussed how we can care for other things not just people. To show that we care about our hens we asked the children to suggest some names for them and we will vote on them.
On Friday we explored the meaning of spirituality in more detail and talked about the elements of our In, Out & Up model. We have also introduced a spirituality book to record moments and events which give each of us a spiritual experience.
We also had our celebration assembly today in which certificates for superstars and sports stars were awarded. We celebrated the winners of the Stanhope Show Art Competition and gave out trophies, rosettes and prize money. Birthdays were celebrated and certificates given out for winning the most Dojo’s in the Learning Zone this week.
Children wanted to learn the song The Blessing and we will do this over the next couple of weeks.
The children had some excellent responses when using the in, out, up model.
In – “I feel proud when I help people.”
Out – “When someone helps me I feel loved.”
God – “God would be pleased to see people helping each other as he created us all.”

The children were able to identify how we can care about the environment, animals, precious things as well as each other.
“ I cared for my mam this week because she isn’t well.” Jack

“I cared for the animals on my farm because my dad was away.” George

“I found a hedgehog in a dangerous place so moved him to somewhere safe.” Alexander

It was lovely to see how genuinely pleased for each other the children were.

Week 4 (Beginning 25.09.23)

Kindness: Supportive

What does it mean to be supportive?On Monday Mr Storey launched this week’s value of being supportive.

On Wednesday the Open the Book team delivered a performance of A Sad Day based on Genesis 3 which told the story of Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.
On Thursday Mrs Cross delivered a whole school collective worship as part of our SIAMS inspection. We explored 1 Corinthians 12 which talks about how the parts support the whole. We used the In Out Up model to consider how the parts of our body make us unique; how the parts of the organisation make up the school and how we are individually created in God’s image and make up God’s world.
On Friday Mr Storey delivered reflective collective worship and celebration assembly. Certificates and awards were presented along with a celebration of birthday, superstars of the week and our adult KFC award.

Children demonstrated a good understanding of what it means to be supportive and could give examples of how they can take this value beyond school and into their wider lives.

The children could draw links to the Big Picture and describe The Fall. We discussed why it is called The Fall.
The children were able to talk confidently about this week’s value and were really supportive of Wesley who is unwell in hospital at the moment sharing prayers and song for him and his family.

Week 5 (Beginning 02.10.23)

Kindness: Thoughtful

How can we be thoughtful?On Monday Mrs Cross launched this week’s value of being thoughtful. We watched a powerpoint presentation showing different children’s emotions and discussed how we could be thoughtful in those different circumstances.

On Wednesday we listened to the Bible Story: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10) and discussed the key message of kindness but also dug deeper into the message of prejudice, making assumptions and diversity. We watched a video of the story to reinforce the key message then discussed who is our neighbour? Children were asked to act like Samaritans this week.
On Friday we reflected on the week and how we had shown thoughtfulness during the week.
We celebrated success by awarding certificates and awards. We were joined by Coucillor Anita Savory who presented Ethan with a super special award for helping to raise funds for Stanhope Community Hospital – a very thoughtful thing to do!

Children gave some great ideas for how we could be thoughtful when others were feeling different emotions such as lonely, angry, frightened etc.
The older children were able to identify the message of diversity and making assumptions about how someone is going to act based on prejudice or ignorance. Children knew that a neighbour could be anyone even someone we don’t know.
“I helped by mam when she wasn’t well.”
“Someone was thoughtful to me because they did my jobs so I could watch the match.” Harry W
“I really thought about what to draw a picture of for Mrs Cross” Jamie

Week 6 (Beginning 09.10.23)

Kindness: Gentleness

Why is it important to be gentle?On Monday Mrs Green launched this week’s value of being gentle and introduced Dyslexia Awareness Day. Children watched a really moving video of a 9year old girl talking about how Dyslexia affects her and how it doesn’t hold her back.

On Wednesday the Open The Book Team delivered a performance called A Special Promise based on Genesis 6-9. A number of children from across school took part in the performance as members of Noah’s family.

On Thursday in KS2 Collective Worship, Miss Hunter-Purvis linked this week’s theme to Children’s mental health week. We spoke about how it is important to be gentle with ourselves and our own emotions.

CW was cancelled on Friday due to the MacMillan Cancer Coffee Morning.

Children were really good at talking openly about being gentle with their words and actions.

The children were able to make the link between the story of Noah’s Ark and how we always have an opportunity for a fresh start.

The children were able to talk about what makes them happy and how they connect to others.

Week 7 (Beginning 16.10.23)

Kindness: Gentleness to Animals

Why is it important to be gentle to animals?On Monday Mr Storey introduced the week’s theme of Gentleness to animals. It was also recycle cycle awareness week. The children watched a video which identified the dangers of not recycling and the impact it has on our wildlife. The children were amazed with how much plastic is in the ocean which led us onto discussing:
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
The children were set the task of participating in a poster competition. The children were tasked with creating a poster which outlined the importance of recycling which will be put up around school and in the community. The winner will be drawn on Monday 23rd October.

On Wednesday Mrs Cross read a Bible story called Balaam and His Donkey from Number 22:28. Balaam hit his donkey and God made the donkey talk to Balaam and ask him “what have I done to you that you strike me”. We discussed thinking about what our animals/pets might say if they could talk. We talked about being gentle when Aela (Therapy Dog) comes into school to meet everyone. Children were asked to show empathy with their animals.

On Friday we had a lovely reflection collective worship where children were able to give examples of how they had shown gentleness to animals.
We also celebrated 25 years service and the retirement of our lovely lollipop lady Barbara.
The children were astonished with the video footage of plastic in the ocean, and could identify what impact it has on animals. Already many posters have been submitted ahead of next week’s deadline.

Children were really thoughtful about what their animals would say to them.

“We found a hedgehog on the road and moved it to safety” Euan

“A poorly rabbit had taken over the hedgehog house in our garden so we made a new den for the hedgehog” Jack

“I was gentle with my dog because she wasn’t very well”


Week 1 (Beginning 06.11.23)

Kindness: Forgiveness

Is it easy or tricky to forgive?On Wednesday Mrs Cross launched our weekly theme of forgiveness. We read the Story of the Lost Son from Luke 15. We talked about whether it was easy or tricky to forgive someone.

In KS2 collective worship on Thursday, we talked about how forgiveness can be hard sometimes and whether different situations make it easier or harder to forgive someone. We listened to The parable of the Unforgiving Servant and linked this to mending broken relationships with friends.

On Friday the children were able to reflect on times they had been forgiven for mistakes they had made and also gave examples of times when they had forgiven others. We then had our celebration assembly where lots of certificates and awards were given out.
The children talked openly about everyone making mistakes and being sorry and wanting to be forgiven by others.

The children were able to give a range of examples of times when forgiving someone took more time and examples of when it was easy to forgive.

“I forgave my dog for being sick”
“I forgave my sister for accidentally hurting me” Patrick
“I forgave myself for not being happy with my art” Amina

Week 2 (Beginning 13.11.23)

Kindness: Generosity

How can we be more generous?On Monday Mrs Cross introduced the value of generosity. We talked about how we can be generous without giving money. We listened to the story of the Widow in the temple from Mark 12: 41-44 and we discussed how someone who has very little but gives everything they have is more generous than those who gave a few coins in the temple. We watched a video clip about how the Bible is full of the message of generosity and that it is an integral part of God’s message.

On Thursday Mr Storey and the Barrington Buddies delivered an assembly to the whole school on Anti-bullying week. The children identified what bullying is and whether it happens in our school. The children stated that bullying does not happen here which led us onto how we can cope with bullying if it did occur. The Buddies set the children a challenge to draw and name three trusted adults who they could approach in a time of need. The children have a week to complete the posters which will be displayed around the Barrington Buddy display.

On Friday we celebrated Children In Need and linked this to our theme of generosity. We also celebrated by giving out certificates and awards and celebrating this week’s birthdays.
The children were brilliant at identifying that we can be generous with our time and energy not just our money.

The children were very open with identifying trusted adults. The children identified a good range of staff:
• Teachers
• Support Staff
• Lunchtime Supervisors

One child was inspired by our discussion and gave all of his savings to children in need. We are super proud of you George.

Week 3 (Beginning 20.11.23)

Kindness: Gratitude

Why is it important to show gratitude?Today Mr Storey introduced the theme of gratitude asking the children what the word means.
Today we were visited by Stanhope’s Silver Band. The band joined us to promote playing an instrument and giving the children history of the club. The children had the opportunity to play a range of instruments in the Collective Worship and sign up to potentially receive music lessons from a volunteer.
On Wednesday we looked at how Gratitude is one of God’s key messages in the Bible. We looked at different familiar Bible stories and children were asked to identify who was grateful. We talked about how grateful we all are for the lamb sale fundraising event which raised £1500 for our school and Mrs Cross talked about her Sunshine Moments book – where she records things which make her happy and things she is grateful for.
On Friday we reflected on how gratitude has been shown across the week with the children sharing some lovely examples. We also celebrated with certificates, awards and birthdays.
The sign up to play an instrument was very high. Around 40 children signed up showing a great interest in music.
Children had a good understanding and recall of familiar Bible stories and could identify gratitude within the stories.
Aela (Therapy Dog) attended her first collective worship and the children showed real care and empathy for how overwhelming it was for her.
“I am grateful for my mam because she works so hard.” Millie
“My brother was grateful to me for helping him.” Isaac
“I was grateful for my birthday presents.” Tommie

Week 4 (Beginning 27.11.23)

Kindness: Gratitude

Why is it important to show gratitude?On Monday the Collective Worship session was led by Mr Storey. Initially, the children were asked to reflect on what gratitude meant before sharing their answers.
For the main part of the session
Psalm 106:1
“Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
Using this bible quote Mr Storey expressed how proud all of the staff were of all the children. This led the worship on a game of Pictionary. A member of staff drew a picture of an occasion that has happened in school recently and the children had to guess the event. All the drawings linked back to our theme of gratitude, for example:
• Light up the dale
• Lamb Sale
• Children’s attitude to learning

On Wednesday the Open the Book Team joined us again to tell the second part of their story all about Joseph and his brothers. The story focused on the gift of forgiveness and how God never forgot or gave up on Joseph no matter how much he went through. The children spent some time reflecting and thinking of someone they may need to forgive.

Mrs Green led the KS2 Collective Worship on Thursday where the children began their preparations for the telling of the Christmas story in Church.
On Friday we reflected on how we have shown gratitude this week with lovely examples from the children. We also celebrate successes this week with certificates and awards.

The children were very animated during the worship and were able to identify moments of gratitude.
The children also received the message that there are lots of people who are proud of them.

The children enjoyed the story and were reflective about who could be forgiven. Many children were able to take part in the performance and showed great confidence in saying their lines and joining in.

Children enjoyed singing the range of songs selected for their performance

“I am grateful to the workmen for getting our heating fixed” Sophie

“I am grateful for my advent calendar”

“I am grateful that my dad fixed the lights” Isaac

Week 5 (Beginning 04.12.23)

Kindness: Advent 1 – Hope

What is Advent?Collective Worship was led by Mr Storey. He introduced the question: What is Advent? The children answered showing great knowledge. Using a
PowerPoint, Mr Storey then showed the children the Advent Wreath and explained how a candle is lit each week in the countdown to Christmas day. The children correctly answered that this week we focus on hope.
The children were then asked to reflect on what they are hopeful for.

On Wednesday, the Collective Worship was introduced with a video and focussed on the word Yakhal. This is word that appears often in the bible but it means hope. The children made links with the word and were able to understand the bible scripture better. Following the video, Mr Storey challenged the children to create a nativity scene collaboratively. The children had a range of resources to choose from and had to explain why they chose that item.

On Friday we gathered to recap the term Advent, and to recognise our certificate winners.
“Advent is the countdown to Jesus’ birth.” Patrick

“I hope for happiness this Christmas.” Amina

“I hope for time with my family.” Daniel

“I hope for playing games together.” Annie

“I choose hay because it will be cold in the stable for Jesus.” Isla

“I choose a manger for the baby to lie in.” Jack K

“I choose the presents because that is what the three wise men bring.” Sophie