Week 1 (Beginning 03.01.22)
Fellowship: Family
INTENT (03.01.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (07.01.22) |
What does it mean to value your family? | Whole school Launch of value linked being family orientated. Class assemblies on different family structures and relationships. Bible Story delivered by Open the Book Team – ‘Joseph The Dreamer’ based on Genesis Ch37 Whole school video on Love knows no labels. Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about being family orientated. | Children thoroughly enjoyed the Open the Book session this week and could retell the story clearly. In depth dialogue took place in Sapphire regarding how different families have different structures. Leo said: “I’ve learnt that not all families are like mine and that’s ok.” At lunchtime on Friday some of the older children were heard discussing the video and talking about how love doesn’t recognise age, race, culture, religion etc. |
Week 2 (Beginning 10.01.22)
Fellowship: Family
INTENT (10.01.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (14.01.22) |
What does it mean to value your family? | Whole school listen to story ‘And Tango Makes Three’ by Richardson & Parnell. Class assemblies on how diverse families are. EYFS & KS1 children worked together in CW to share with each other why they are thankful for their family. Ruby Learning Zone considered how different animals rely on their families. Sapphire Learning Zone read the story of Daisy Duck who lost her mum. Bible Story delivered by Open The Book Team – ‘The Ruler of Egypt’ based on Genesis Ch41 Review of week and reflect on what the children have learnt about being family orientated. | Children write a definition of what they think love is on big red hearts to hang on our Fellowship Tree. Our youngest children from Opal, Amethyst and Sapphire worked together really well. It was lovely to see them explain their feelings about their family to each other. “If my mam and dad had no money I would give them all of mine.” “My family love me so I love them back.” “I’m really lucky because I love my step-family” ![]() |
Week 3 (Beginning 17.01.22)
Fellowship: Respect
INTENT (17.01.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (21.01.22) |
In what ways can we show respect for ourselves and others? | Whole school collective worship delivered by The Crew (pupil voice group) in which children were given scenarios to respond to. Open the Book session cancelled due to Covid Outbreak Management Plan. Amethyst role played respectful behaviour in their Collective Worship in class. Our review and celebration assembly was held in individual Learning Zones due to our Outbreak Management Plan. | Whilst reading a book about family a child in Sapphire commented: “ I liked that they all looked after each other and no-one was left behind.” Children in Amethyst were able to role play some lovely respectful behaviour. Children were observed on the yard being respectful to each other and this was commented on by lunchtime staff. ![]() ![]() |
Week 4 (Beginning 24.01.22)
Fellowship: Courageous Advocacy
INTENT (24.01.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (28.01.22) |
How can we be courageous advocates? | Open the Book unable to attend due to Covid but provided a video of the story of David and the Giant (Samuel 8, 9, 16 & 17) Diamond looked at the story of David and discussed what it meant to be courageous and what it felt like to be the ‘odd one out’. In Emerald the children discussed how this value links to their Super Power. In Ruby, the children discussed their feelings when they felt left out. | A Year 6 child said having courage meant, “being brave and having confidence to do something.” A child commented: “Mum is very courageous – even when she is in pain she still looks after me and my brother.” Another child referred to when the class had attended the Weardale Outdoor Education Centre: “Others were an advocate for me by giving me ways to get further up the rock.” A child from Year 4 commented: “David wasn’t alone because he had God.” |
Week 5 (Beginning 31.01.22)
Fellowship: Trustworthy
INTENT (31.01.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (04.02.22) |
Why is it important to be trustworthy? | Whole school collective worship looked at Genesis Ch 22 through Biblical text and an animation. In Sapphire we looked at what the word ‘trust’ really means and what you have to do to be a friend who others trust. In KS2 the children looked at LGBTQ+ History month (February) and discussed what is meant by an ally and how allies support each other. | Children reflected on whether they thought themselves to be trustworthy. “Friends have your back when you are in trouble.” “To be a good friend you need to be a good listener.” Amethyst children have made pictures of people who they trust. ‘I trust my mam because she makes me nice food’. ‘I trust my Guinea pig because it gives me nice cuddles.’ |
Week 6 (Beginning 07.02.22)
Fellowship: Dependable & Loyal
INTENT (07.02.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (11.02.22) |
How can we be more dependable and loyal? | Open the Book delivered a performance on The Burning Bush (Exodus 2:3). Children talked about Children’s Mental Health Week and how they can be dependable and loyal friends to those who are carrying a burden. Children were asked to reflect on how they could be more dependable and loyal friends. In class assemblies this week we also celebrated Safer Internet Day. | On Friday we Dressed to Express as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. “Being loyal means you’ve got someone’s back.” “It means you can rely on that person.” “You can be loyal by keeping a secret.” |
Week 7 (Beginning 14.02.22)
Fellowship: Community Minded
INTENT (14.02.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (18.02.22) |
What can we do to love our world more? | Whole school collective worship looked at how God created the world and then created humans to look after it. Children were asked to make Green hearts to hang on our Tree of Fellowship. School to take part in Show the Love campaign for Climate Change by wearing green on Friday and learning how social action can create real change. | Children were really engaged in this campaign and our Tree of Fellowship is covered in lovely messages and prayers for our world. On Thursday our whole school wore something green to show the love for our world and even our youngest children could explain why they were wearing green. “I would miss elephants if they didn’t exist any more.” “What would the bees do without the flowers?” “We need to recycle more to protect our planet.” During reflection in collective worship children were able to give excellent examples of how they have taken what they’ve learnt home and how they have been encouraging their families to look after and love our world. Our older children decided to take social action and join the campaign to send a postcard to our MP to add their voice to the campaign. ![]() |
Week 8 (Beginning 28.02.22)
Fellowship: Servant-Minded
INTENT (28.02.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (04.03.22) |
What does it mean to be servant minded? | Whole school collective worship using the Way Maker resources provided the Archbishop of York Youth Trust on being servant-minded. Discussion about what is happening in Ukraine and how we can all be peacemakers. Open the Book Team delivered a performance on The First Passover Meal from Exodus. Key stage and Class collective worship focussed on the beginning of Lent and Shrove Tuesday. Children in Sapphire wrote prayers for those affected by the conflict and put them in our Prayer Space. | Children were able to make links between the story of the First Passover and what is happening in Ukraine. They gave very thoughtful responses to discussions. Children showed empathy and understanding of how both the Ukrainian and Russian people might be feeling right now. Children were invited to add a prayer to our Prayer Space area in the main entrance. “I will be a peacemaker by being kind and polite to staff and my peers.” “To be a peacemaker you can try to stop arguments.” “You can be a peacemaker by sending postcards or equipment to the people of Ukraine.” ![]() |
Week 9 (Beginning 07.03.22)
Fellowship: Compassionate
INTENT (07.03.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (11.03.22) |
How can we show compassion to those in conflict? | Whole school collective worship using the Way Maker resources provided the Archbishop of York Youth Trust on being compassionate. We had an assembly delivered by the West End Refugee Service (WERS) during which children listened to a real life experience of a refugee. Whole school collective worship looking at Bible story Escape Across the Red Sea (Exodus 13:14) Class and Key stage assemblies focussed on how children could show compassion and to record their ideas on our Doves of Peace (shown in photo). | Children shared some fantastic examples of how they have shown compassion this week including: helping others, forgiving people, donating things, saying prayers, writing letters and sending cards. One child explained how he had spotted another sitting alone at lunchtime looking sad so he left his table of friends and joined him. The others followed and the whole table ended up having a great lunch time – compassion in action! We were very proud of how our children responded to Jess – the refugee from Chile – who shared her very moving experiences with us. They asked thoughtful and respectful questions and reflected on what important things they would take with them if they had to flee. WERS are working with our Emerald Learning Zone on their community based project. ![]() ![]() |
Week 10 (Beginning 14.03.22)
Fellowship: Acceptance
INTENT (14.03.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (18.03.22) |
How can we be accepting of others and why is it important that we accept everyone for who they are? | Whole school collective worship using the Way Maker resources provided the Archbishop of York Youth Trust on being accepting of others. Open the Book performance on The remembering Meal based on (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22 and John 13). Members from Bread Church worked with the Sapphire Learning Zone to explain why Easter is important to Christians and why they eat Hot Cross buns. | Children spoke openly about how we can be accepting of others. They identified that we should be accepting of the Ukranian refugees. Two children wrote an acrostic poem for our Tree of Fellowship. Children could talk very knowledgeably about why Easter and Holy Week are important to Christians. Our visitors from Bread Church were very impressed with the deep understanding our younger children have of spiritual and religious concepts. |
Week 11 (Beginning 21.03.22)
Fellowship: Being Bold
INTENT (21.03.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (25.03.22) |
How can we be brave and bold and stand up to injustice? | Whole school collective worship using the Way Maker resources provided the Archbishop of York Youth Trust on being bold. Open the Book team delivered a drama called Peter’s Saddest Day (Matthew 26:27). Opal and Amethyst performed a drama exploring how they can be bold in school by standing up for others. | Lots of our children were noticed by staff this week being bold which was lovely to see. “I was confident when using a fire pit to make the bread.” “I was bold when I made bread because I had never done it before but then started to really enjoy it.” “My sister was bold when she stuck up for me when I was upset.” Our Bread Church judges commented that they thought our children and staff had been bold in taking part in The Great British Bread Off. |
Week 12 (Beginning 28.03.22)
Fellowship: Forgiveness
INTENT (28.03.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (01.04.22) |
Why is it important to be forgiving? | Whole school collective worship using the Way Maker resources provided the Archbishop of York Youth Trust on being forgiving. Read The Crucifixion from Matthew 27 and discussed how forgiving Jesus was. Open the Book Team delivered a performance called A Dreadful Day (Mark 15). ![]() | Children understood that we all make mistakes. They knew that they should forgive others because they may need forgiveness from someone themselves. Children were able to identify something that would be easy to forgive and something they would find really hard to forgive. |
Week 13 (Beginning 04.04.22)
Fellowship: Light in the Darkness
INTENT (04.04.22) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (08.04.22) |
How can we all be a light in the darkness? | Whole school collective worship using the Way Maker resources provided the Archbishop of York Youth Trust on being a light in the darkness. Read The First Easter from Matthew 27 & 28 and discussed how Jesus is a light of hope to Christians. Open the Book Team delivered a performance called A Peter’s Happiest Day (based on Matthew 27 & 28). Key Stage Two held a collective worship in which they identified what is meant by Darkness and how we can be a light. | Children were able to give examples of how they can be a light in the darkness for others and talked about cheering someone up, being there for someone in need, being a good friend and being a courageous advocate. Children have completed ideas for how to be a courageous advocate for our Tree of Fellowship. ![]() |