Week 1 (Beginning 17.04.23)
Confidence: Introduction
INTENT (17.04.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (21.04.23) |
Introducing confidence as part of our school vision. | During whole school Collective Worship we introduced our new term and the vision statement. We explored what we mean by Confidence and which values we will be learning about during the summer term. We have also launched our Autism Acceptance Month. We talked to the children about Autism and how this affects everyone in different ways. We talked about every single one of us being unique and special and thank goodness for that! Each Learning Zone are carrying out work on Autism over the next two weeks. We celebrate our successes and achievements in our Celebration assembly and Collective Worship on Friday. Children were asked to reflect on how they had shown confidence this week. | The children demonstrated a great understanding of Confidence and knew that we learn about confidence in the summer term because we all have a lot of changes coming up such as Year 6’s leaving and moving to secondary school, change of Learning Zones, SATs tests etc. Children talked very maturely about Autism and were really interested to learn more. They asked thought provoking questions which made us really proud of them such as how they could help someone if they saw they were struggling. Bella wrote a beautiful poem following this Collective Worship which is now on our Prayer Space. We are also going to share information about Autism Acceptance with parents & carers via the website and create an information area in our Reflection Zone. Received feedback from parents that children have gone home and had open and mature discussions with their family about Autism – which is fantastic! |
Week 2 (Beginning 24.04.23)
Confidence: Being Responsible
INTENT (24.04.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (28.04.23) |
How can we take personal responsibility? | During whole school Collective Worship we introduced our new value of being responsible. We discussed what different people are responsible for such as parents/Prime Minister/teachers etc. We then talked about personal responsibility and what we are responsible for. We have talked in class and key stage collective worship about taking personal responsibility for how treat others including those who are different to ourselves (everyone) with a focus on Autism Acceptance. On Wednesday the Open the Book Team delivered a performance based on the Parable of the Man with 2 sons from Matthew 21. In collective worship on Friday we shared how we had taken personal responsibility this week and celebrated our successes. ![]() ![]() | This week our children have demonstrated how they can take personal responsibility: “I helped to tidy my bedroom and helped mam with the dishwasher.” “I saved an animal.” George “I have been looking after our new chickens, feeding them and cleaning them out.” “I played with my friend and made sure she was safe.” Layla “I made a mistake and then did it again and put it right.” Emma “I was responsible by helping my mam look after my younger brothers.” Lewis Our children talked confidently about what the meaning of personal responsibility. |
Week 3 (Beginning 01.05.23)
Confidence: Being Resilient
INTENT (01.05.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (05.05.23) |
Why do we need to be resilient? | Due to the Bank holiday and strike day our value this week was launched on Wednesday with the Open the Book team delivering a great performance of Jonah the Groaner based on Jonah 1-4. In EYFS and KS1 Collective Worship they talked about how hard it is not to give up when something is tricky. They were set a challenge of stacking 5 marbles on top of each other – which is really hard. They then talked about how they felt when it didn’t work and how many times they needed to try. On Friday in Collective Worship we talked about resilience and the children shared examples of when they had to be resilient. We talked about the amount of resilience needed in Year 6 in preparation for their SATs next week. ![]() | The children really enjoyed participating in the Open the Book performance by groaning aloud every time they heard the word ‘groan’. We learnt about how resilient Jonah was by not giving up and putting right his mistakes. Our younger children really learnt a lot about not giving up when they had to build a tower of marbles. “I got really cross when it didn’t work.” Isla “I had to be resilient coming up to SATs. I went to SATs club but I didn’t want to but it was fun.” Ethan “I didn’t want to do revision but when I did it I felt better.” Joey |
Week 4 (Beginning 08.05.23)
SATs Week – No Collective Worship
Week 5 (Beginning 15.05.23)
Confidence: Being Resourceful
INTENT (15.05.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (19.05.23) |
What does it mean to be resourceful? | On Monday we looked at what it means to be resourceful and what we can do help ourselves to become more resourceful such as using skills such as: questioning, imagining, making links, reasoning and capitalising. The children were challenged to be resourceful during the week and share their experiences on Friday. Our younger children had a collective worship session in which they looked at the story of The Stick Man and were asked to be resourceful in coming up with lots of different things a stick could be. On Wednesday the Open the Book Team performed ‘Down Through the Roof’ based on Luke 5 – the story of the paralysed man. During our collective worship and celebration assembly on Friday the children were asked to reflect on Mental Health week and discuss what they had learnt about managing anxiety. We also celebrate success this week by awarding a wide range of different certificates and awards. | The children found the terminology new and different and needed some support throughout the week to become more confident with the meaning of words such as ‘capitalising’ which just means using what is around you such as people, places, internet, books etc. Our young children thorough enjoyed using their imagination to come up with as many things as possible that a stick could be if you used your imagination – you could try this activity at home. The children were able to identify who had shown resourcefulness in the Open the Book performance and could talk confidently about how they could be resourceful. Children were keen to share their experience of being resourceful. “I couldn’t shut my tray so found a different way to organise it and throw out what I didn’t need.” Charlie “We only had one stick to play with so I got an axe shaped stone and cut the stick in two so that me and my brother could both have a sword to play with.” Jack “I had to be resourceful in looking after my pet guinea pigs.” Ethan |
Week 6 (Beginning 22.05.23)
Confidence: Being Committed
INTENT (22.05.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (25.05.23) |
What does it mean to be committed to something? | On Monday Mr Storey launched our new value of being committed. Our staff team shared how they were committed to something such as becoming a grandparent or being committed to a sport to such an extent that they represent Team GB. We also explored commitment in terms of relationships and marriage. In Class Collective Worship EYFS and KS1 read the story of the Little Red Hen and revisiting meta cognition skills covered earlier in the year. On Wednesday our Open The Book Team performed Ruth Finds a New Home based on Ruth: 1-4. Our celebration Collective Worship took place on Thursday this week due to our PD day tomorrow. We had a great collective worship with one of our very young children having her hair cut to raise money for the school and to donate her hair to a cancer charity. | Children were able to talk with confidence about things they were committed to and determined to achieve in their lives which was inspiring. EYFS & KS1 were able to discuss how the Little Red Hen had no help at all yet was committed to looking after her chicks. They were able to make links to their own lives when they’ve tried something without any help and succeeded. Children from a range of different ages were able to explain how Ruth was committed when collecting the barley. It was fantastic to hear children discussing this story at lunchtime in terms of not giving up even if progress is slow. We are incredibly proud of Addilyn who is true inspiration. Thank you to everyone who supported her. |
Week 1 (Beginning 05.06.23)
Confidence: Being Creative
INTENT (05.06.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (09.06.23) |
How can we be more creative? | On Monday we discussed our value for this week – being creative. In Key Stage two we launched Pride Month and a group of children will be working with Mrs Green to plan an amazing Pride Day on 20th June for the whole school. In Collective Worship this week we have read the Bible story of Creation and talked about how creative God was in making the world and how he works through other people to be creative too. Across the key stages, children have been challenged to use their creativity to problem solve and to use their imagination to create things like a sweet box. In our Collective Worship on Friday children shared how they had been creative this week. We awarded certificates, Dojo awards and celebrated birthdays. | Children in KS2 were really excited and enthusiastic to join Mrs Green’s Pride Planning Group and have come up with some great ideas which are really quite creative. In school children have actively been talking about creativity at playtimes and lunchtimes. On Friday children shared what they had done: “I used my creativity to think of a different strategy on my computer game and this helped me to win.” Charlie T “I made a toy out of toilet roll cardboard.” Charlie R In EYFS one of our very youngest children asked whether God had created our school building. This resulted in an amazing discussion on the carpet about how God works through other people and uses their creativity. We also talked about the loss of our team member this week and how people can deal with loss in creative ways. We have had some incredibly moving conversations with our amazing children this week. |
Week 2 (Beginning 12.06.23)
Confidence: Being Determined
INTENT (12.06.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (16.06.23) |
When do we use determination? | This week we have explored the concept of being determined. The Open the Book Team delivered a brilliant performance called Build Up The Walls based on Nehemiah. The children participated by both acting in the performance and reciting poetry. Key Stage collective worship focussed on how children can develop determination and really achieve something they put their minds to. KS2 looked at well known people who have faced adversity and shown determination to overcome challenges to achieve their dreams. On Friday we heard from children who gave examples of how they had shown determination this week and how they can take that forward. ![]() | Children shared their experiences from the London trip and how they were determined to enjoy the new experience. They showed determination in a new and unfamiliar environment. For some children this was their first trip away from home and they had to show confidence and determination. “I was determined to do a long piece of writing using phonics even though it took a really long time.” Isaac |
Week 3 (Beginning 19.06.23)
Confidence: Being Inquisitive
INTENT (19.06.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (23.06.23) |
What does it mean to be inquisitive? | On Monday Mr Storey introduced a story about problem solving skills and the children discussed how we all think in different ways which allows us to work as a collective team and achieve. On Wednesday Open The Book delivered a performance called Samuel Hears a Voice which was supported Euan who did some amazing acting! In key stage collective worship in EYFS/KS1 the children were asking to identify how the holes were appearing on the school field. Using their inquisitive skills they collected evidence and discovered we have lots of rabbits digging on the school field. ![]() | Children shared their examples of how they had shown curiosity this week. “I was curious to learn about why we had holes in the field.” Iliza “We have been inquisitive about Hinduism and researched Diwali and I now know it is the festival of light and we have now made a Diva lamp.” Owen. Children in the Ruby Learning Zone shared how they have been learning about another country in Geography and have been curious to learn more facts. |
Week 4 (Beginning 26.06.23)
Confidence: Being Honest
INTENT (26.06.23) | IMPLEMENTATION | IMPACT (30.06.23) |
Why is it important to be honest? | On Monday the children listened to a humorous story called Being Frank. Frank was too honest and a little bit rude. The children discussed how we can use our school vision paired with honesty to be good fellow human beings. In EYFS/KS1 collective worship they looked at the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf which allowed the children to understand the impact of being dishonest. On Wednesday the Open The Book team delivered a performance of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector focussing on who was honest and dishonest and why God forgave the Tax Collector for stealing. ![]() | “Bad things happen when you lie.” Maddie The children showed a good understanding of why God forgave the Tax Collector for being dishonest when he was repentant. They also understood that thinking you are better than others is not a good thing at all. On Friday the children were able to share really good examples of when they have told the truth even when it wasn’t an easy thing to do. |
Week 5 (Beginning 03.07.23)
Confidence: Being Imaginative
Does everyone have an imagination? | On Monday Mrs Cross launched the theme this week of Imagination. We listened to a story about a little boy who had a pocket full of items which were his treasures from his imaginary adventures but his mum thought they were just rubbish. We talked about how important it is to keep being imaginative and to encourage others who have fantastic imaginations. Due to NEU Teacher Strike days there was no Collective Worship on Wednesday and no celebration Collective Worship on Friday. | “Imagination is when you can picture something in your mind from a book.” Charlie “It is when you think about how something you are making will turn out.” Polly “You can use your imagination when you are playing.” Iliza |