Policy: Remote Learning Policy 2021
Statement of Intent
Our Vision:
A place where our children, adults and community can grow and thrive rooted in Kindness, Fellowship and Confidence.
At Stanhope Barrington CofE Primary School, we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote learning – whether this applies to one pupil or many children. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to continue to make progress and succeed.
Remember to look after yourself. Remote learning can be difficult for children and parents/carers. In lockdown routines are different, social interaction with friends is very limited and all the unknowns (for a variety of reasons) can cause each of us to feel unsettled. Hopefully, Seesaw, the resources available on this website and the timetables set by the teachers will help to alleviate some of the anxiety of home learning. Please also remember to visit our Emotional Wellbeing section for ideas on ways to feel more settled and ways to stay healthy.
Keeping Connected
It was a time of enormous upheaval and this section of our website was to keep our wonderful school community connected through lockdown. View our Keeping Connected section to learn about how we kept our community thriving.