Pupil Voice

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As part of our ongoing monitoring, our Senior Leadership Team, Subject Ambassadors and Academy Council often meet with groups of children to obtain feedback and ensure that the child’s voice is heard.

At Stanhope Barrington CofE Primary School, our children’s views, opinions and suggestions are very important to us. We have a wide range of pupil voice groups in school to ensure that our pupils are at the centre of everything we do.

Children either volunteer for a role or in some cases are voted for by their peers. Each team has a different role within the school but all contribute to how our school develops and evolves.

In addition, we carry out an Academic Resilience Pupil Questionnaire every two years and this helps us to gain a full picture of every child’s views and opinions.

Children who are on a School Support Plan or EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) are involved in the development of their own support plan (if age appropriate) and give our SENCO feedback on their progress, their targets and the support they receive.

Our Pupil Voice Groups for 2023-2024 are: