The Academy Councillor responsible for monitoring the provision of SEND is Dr Sarah Haynes (Chair) who is actively involved in monitoring provision in the classroom, monitoring and reviewing policy and practise and attending parent meetings to ensure the provision of high quality and appropriate support.
The SENCO (Special Needs Co-ordinator) is Mrs. Deb Cross who is also the Head Teacher. It is her job to:
- Oversee the day to day operation of the school’s SEND policy
- Advise teachers on using a graduated approach to providing SEND support
- Advise on the deployment of the school’s designated budget and other resources to meet the needs of pupils effectively.
- Liaise with parents or carers of pupils with SEND
- Liaise with and be a key point of contact for external agencies
- Ensure that the school keeps the records of all SEND pupils up to date
- To be the lead contact for Looked After Children with SEND
- Work with the Headteacher and school Governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Education Act (2010) with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s educational, health and social development, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to speak to Mrs. Cross. You can contact her by telephoning the school on 01388 528 218 or sending an email to .